All Free ContentHow do you respond to Change?
We are all familiar with the saying: “The only constant is change.”
Change is inevitable, sometimes it can be a positive thing. Such as getting married, having a child or shifting careers.
Other times it can be difficult to understand, like a restructure in the workplace or job loss, separating from your partner or divorce, or losing a loved one.
Often the hardest changes to understand and adjust to are the ones that are truly unexpected and out of our control.
While we may not always be able to control the changes that occur in life, one thing we are able to control is how we respond.
Our reaction to change will be different with every experience we encounter, but there are generally four ways in which we respond:
- The innovator
- The producer
- The stabiliser
- The unifier
Identifying how we respond to change can help us to find ways to move forward and learn to cope.
Close your eyes and think about the changes that are occurring in your life right now.
How are you responding to each of those changes?
Which response do you best identify with from the four below?
The four responses to change
1. The Innovator
You can sense change before it comes and respond to those changes when they arrive quicker than others.
You get excited and become optimistic about new endeavours and your excitement influences others to be positive about change.
2. The Producer
You’re gung ho from the moment you are aware of the change and have the energy to do the work that’s involved with making it happen.
You often get frustrated when obstacles get in your way – you just want to get things sorted, and sooner rather than later.
You can sense change before it comes and can respond to those changes when they arrive quicker than others.
3. The Stabiliser
You enjoy being in control, systemised and structured.
You work well in an environment that is systematic, routined and well organised.
You see change as a potential threat to your way of life and tend to take longer than others to adapt.
4. The Unifier
Your strength lies in your ability to empathise and show compassion with others no matter what side of change you are on.
You might be hesitant of change at first, but you are open to listening and connecting with others to understand their side of the story.
You don’t believe in any one being left behind in the change regardless of how difficult it may be.
If you are struggling with coping with changes in your life (whether it is personal, work-related or family life), our professional team members are here to help. Contact us today.
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